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Program Pages
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Staff Members
News Articles
- ILI's Executive Director and Co-founder Talks About Learning Languages
- Dreams Do Come True: Brahim’s and Hasnaa’s Story
- Northampton, the land of Multiculturalism and Pluralism
- Go fish! A language school where everyone is welcome - and laughter is a major goal.
- A Visit to Cuba: Exploring Cuba's Language, Culture & Music Scene
- Emma (Video): Hampshire Grad Teaches English Through Photography
- VoicesOfILI is Here! Amy: From Burnout to Dream Job
- VoicesOfILI is Here! Felix: Dominican Student's First Snow & Welcome to ILI
- Tips for Studying Outside of Your ILI Class
- #VoicesofILI : Macey Faiella
- ILI's Best Practices for Teaching Online with Zoom
- VoicesOfILI is Here! John: Haitian Student Aims for Pilot's Dream at ILI
- #VoicesofILI : Samira Artur
- #VoicesofILI is BACK and shining a bright spotlight on Blanca Sandoval!
- VoicesOfILI is Here! Paula: Colombian Student Targets English Degree Test
- 10 Reasons to Love a Massachusetts Summer!
- #VoicesofILI : Heather Hall
- Teaching English Through A Photographic Lens
- New World Landscape: Embracing Uncertainty and Opportunity
- ILI contributes to a new driving curriculum in collaboration with Rebecca Lorimer Leonard and UMass graduate and undergraduate students
- How improving your academic English skills opens an immense world of opportunities
- Academic Writing Tip: 8 Brainstorming Techniques
- Academic Writing Tip: Making an Outline
- Aimee Salmon: From ILI Student to Board Member and What ILI Means to Her!
- Top methods to learn Spanish online and why it matters in 2021
- Improve your listening skills in 4 easy steps!
- Spanish Conversation and Book Club: Speak & Read Spanish!
- Why 2021 has skyrocketed the importance of improving your English communication skills for the workplace?
- What makes ILI special — and effective!
- Don't Click Away! Human Connection in Online Learning
- Teaching online in the age of the pandemic: Shining a light on student participation!
- #ILITips&Tricks: Staying Focused for Online Learning
- Volunteer & Inspire Online! Teaching by Modeling
- Northampton, the Paradise City: Why choosing where to learn English can make or break you?
- Top movies to help you learn English faster and love the language more
- Online TESOL Certification courses: Are they valid?
- Is TESOL worth it?: The extraordinary value of effective teacher training
- ILI shares U.S. COVID and student visa policies with international audience!
- April is Volunteer Appreciation Month!
- 5 tips on how to efficiently learn German from home
- May in the Intensive English Program
- How intensive is an intensive English course at ILI?
- How to get ready for an interview in English
- Top 7 reasons to learn and speak Spanish fluently in the USA
- In-person IEP classes set to resume in August!
- What To Expect From an Online TESOL Course at ILI
- How to learn and improve English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
- ILI's Chris and Janelle write about boosting student talk time on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) blog!
- Alice Tells Her Story: An Interview with a French and Spanish language student living in the USA
- Intensive English: Top 5 Really Easy Tips and Tricks to Enjoy Mastering Your English
- Best TV Shows to Improve Your English While Enjoying Yourself
- World of jazz: An Interview with Andy Jaffe, a Portuguese and Chinese language student living in the USA
- Charles the language person: An Interview with an Italian and German language student living in the USA
- ILI Intensive English Program (IEP) students build community with Janelle!
- Kathy Learning Spanish (again): Interview with a Spanish language student living in the USA
- Northampton's International Language Institute earns highest ranking from national accreditation authority
- Academic English vs General English: Should I improve my Academic English Skills?
- Interview with an ILI English student from Japan who built a career in the U.S.
- ILI Board President Markus Jones Values The Power of Language
- Intensive English: Top 6 Really Easy Tips and Tricks to Enjoy Mastering Your English
- Darlene Tells Her Story: An Interview with Darlene, a Spanish language student living in the USA
- ILI Executive Director Caroline Gear on Making an IMPACT
- Growing a stronger, more satisfying and productive volunteer program at ILI
- Read and discuss García Márquez's Cien años de soledad with Virginia Invernizzi!
- $25,000 Challenge Match Met! ILI's Impact Continues
- What is an Intensive English Program?: A Complete Guide
- ILI earns Service Enterprise certification from Points of Light!
- The Rejection of Perfection in Learning a Language
- The Reciprocity of Language Education: Cultivating Tolerance, Compassion, and Humility
- Brittany opens doors at gender-inclusive girls school
- Driving curriculum and legislative bill aim to expand access to driver's licenses for immigrants and refugees in Massachusetts!
- Top methods to learn Spanish online and trends in 2022
- "Financial Literacy,” a project of ILI and Valley Community Development Center, is now in the pilot stage!
- How much time does it take to learn a new language?
- Financial assistance available to businesses and individuals for language training
- Literate Mending in Multilingual Families
- STAFF PICKS: Books To Read During Women’s Month
- How should I prepare for the TESOL certificate program?: Top 6 tips
- In April ILI Appreciates Volunteers!
- ILI international students visit and learn at the Smith College Museum of Art!
- The Terrific Trio
- ESL classes: What are the objectives and aims of English language students?
- ILI board member Reynolds Whalen earns “40 under Forty” recognition!
- How to Improve your Academic English and Business English Writing Skills
- An Interview with MJ Adams: An International Host and Global Citizen
- Top 7 Reasons to do an Intensive English Program (IEP) in the Summer
- ILI's Caroline Gear featured in Rotary magazine!
- ILI is a finalist for the PIEoneer “Language Educator of the Year” 2022 award!
- ILI Student Stories: Chinatsu Nagamune
- How French Classes Changed Rebecca’s Life
- ILI Interview with Volunteer Tutor Robin Smither
- What Is the Difference Between Social and Academic English? (Part 1 of 2)
- PIE awards coming up!
- Social vs Academic English: What is the difference? Part 2
- TESOL vs TEFL Certificates: Which works best to teach English in the US?
- Business English Guide to Improve Your Communication Skills
- Massachusetts State Senator Jo Comerford visits ILI
- Interview with Edwin Cubillos, Colombian photographer and peace activist
- The Top 5 Benefits of Learning English Online with Native English Speaking Teachers
- ILI featured in EL Gazette magazine!
- Mayor Honors Past ILI Board President
- A guide for beginners on how to learn Spanish
- 4 Great Reasons Why You Should Learn Spanish in the USA
- Volunteer Spotlight: Emily Soltanoff
- ILI Spotlight: Brian Long, teacher trainer and ILI instructor
- Marco Bittencourt brings a lifetime of multicultural experience to teaching!
- A Beginners Guide on French Culture and Learning French in France
- Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Kim Wolfson
- Our Top 4 Destinations to Learn Spanish Abroad
- Is it really beneficial getting a TESOL certificate?
- Erica Avery - October Volunteer Spotlight
- Learning English and volunteering: a student reflects on connection and community
- Volunteer Spotlight: Sharon Ginsburg
- Best ways to learn Spanish online moving forward in 2024
- A dream comes true for Aimee Salmon!
- Best ways to learn Spanish online moving forward in 2024
- Meet the Language Champions: Success Stories from ILI TESOL Graduates
- ILI board welcomes La Wanza, Dora and Jenni!
- Volunteer Spotlight: Drew David
- Things To Do In New England This Fall
- ILI is the secret sauce - A Word from Markus Jones
- Engaging our Volunteer Community through Learning—and fun!
- Literate mending workshop at ILI, Northampton
- Beginner to Intermediate Spanish: 4 Simple Steps to Achieve it
- TESOL Certificate course online: Top 10 Advantages
- ILI's Highlights of 2023: You helped make them possible!
- Advancing Financial Literacy: ILI Celebrates Progress and Plans for Future Growth
- Why Study a Language in Western Massachusetts? Here are 11 Reasons
- German Immersion: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learning German in Germany
- Celebrating a Summer of Growth
- Why Northampton, Massachusetts is a Great Place to Learn English
- Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
- Happy Birthday, ILI – 40 years and going strong!
- Breaking the Ice in Spanish: Conversation Topics and Cultural Do's and Don'ts
- How Effective is an Intensive English Language Program?
- International Language Institute Connects Japanese Delegation with Easthampton’s Adhesive Applications
- Kris Holloway joins International Language Institute's board of directors
- Community Partners at Work!
- TESOL Certification Complete Guide: Everything You Need to Know
- Learning English in the USA: Everything you need to know
- Maximize your dollar: Budget tips for Spanish language students in Colombia
- Why Northampton, Massachusetts? A Unique Destination for Intensive English Programs (IEP)
- The Impact of Volunteering: Sierra’s Experience in ILI’s Free English Program
- Bridging Cultural Differences in the TESOL Classroom
- How to Conquer Common Challenges Faced by Language Learners
- Beyond the screen: Applying your online Spanish in the real world