Since 1984…
…thousands of students—from more than 90 countries, from across the U.S., and from western Massachusetts—have successfully completed our courses and classes in ILI’s Free English Program, tuition based Language Programs and Teacher Training Program.
Hundreds of community volunteers have broadened their cultural horizons as tutors, mentors, and host families.

Statement of Principles
ILI is more than a language learning center. We are students, teachers, and community supporters who passionately believe that by working together, we advance our mission to encourage multicultural understanding and create strong diverse communities through academic excellence.
We celebrate the rich cultural traditions of our students and will continuously strengthen our unified commitment to honor and respect them and all of our neighbors–regardless of age, race, religion, gender identification, physical and mental abilities, economic standing, educational levels, and documentation status.
We stand against deeply rooted racism and injustice, economic and educational inequality, and anti-immigrant and anti-refugee policies. We stand against any assaults on democratic institutions that we believe are the foundation of our communities and our nation.
As an organization, we strive to make our decisions based on these principles, including active participation in naming what we know is wrong. We believe that all of our actions should stem from grace and loving kindness.
Making an IMPACT
Inclusiveness: ILI operates as an equal opportunity organization.
We encourage students, employees, members of the Board of Directors, and supporters to actively stand against all forms of discrimination.
Mentorship: ILI nurtures relationships beyond the classroom.
We understand that language learning is only part of the journey and provide interpersonal support in the form of volunteer tutoring, college and career counseling, Massachusetts driver’s license preparation, help in accessing social services, and student homestays.
Purpose: ILI commits to providing the highest quality language instruction and teacher training.
We invest in the success of each student and employ teaching methods that address the unique learning styles and needs of all students.
Advocacy: ILI promotes intercultural understanding and celebrates the diversity in our local communities.
We advocate for immigrants and refugees by collaborating with organizations in support of equitable and inclusive initiatives.
Community: ILI works collaboratively to build and sustain the communities we serve.
We cultivate classroom and community connection where each person’s voice is heard and active participation is encouraged.
Transformation: ILI believes in life-changing teaching and learning.
We transform teachers and students by working with and learning from one another in the classroom and in our local communities.