Why Northampton, Massachusetts is a Great Place to Learn English

Northampton, Massachusetts, nestled in the heart of the Connecticut River Valley, is more than just a picturesque New England town. It’s a vibrant, culturally rich community that offers a unique and immersive environment for learning English.

TESOL Certificate course online: Top 10 Advantages

If you’re interested in teaching English to speakers of other languages, the best way to
further your career is to pursue a TESOL certificate online or in-person. A TESOL certificate program provides individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to teach English as another language.

Literate mending workshop at ILI, Northampton

For a few March nights, students in two classes of the Free English Program turned their learning lenses inward in an effort to understand how languages help form them.

Volunteer Spotlight: Drew David

Volunteer Spotlight Drew David has been volunteering as a tutor for ILI students since last August. He’s no stranger to […]

A dream comes true for Aimee Salmon!

At the end of the year we reached out to Aimee Salmon, a former ILI student and Board Member. Aimee […]

In April ILI Appreciates Volunteers!

We at ILI are endlessly grateful for the many hours volunteers donate to support our school and students.  Since September, […]