Why Northampton, Massachusetts is a Great Place to Learn English

Northampton, Massachusetts, nestled in the heart of the Connecticut River Valley, is more than just a picturesque New England town. It’s a vibrant, culturally rich community that offers a unique and immersive environment for learning English.

Celebrating a Summer of Growth

Summer in New England means construction season, and Northampton’s Damon Road project has caused major traffic detours. Reflecting on this, ILI’s own renovation project has brought dust, noise, and uncertainty, but also unexpected growth.

A dream comes true for Aimee Salmon!

At the end of the year we reached out to Aimee Salmon, a former ILI student and Board Member. Aimee […]

Mayor Honors Past ILI Board President

Last November, Northampton Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra signed a proclamation on behalf of the City in celebration of outgoing ILI Board President […]

ILI featured in EL Gazette magazine!

The international EL (English Language) Gazette recently interviewed ILI Executive Director Caroline Gear to learn about ILI’s response to the […]