Is there an ideal age to learn Spanish? The ideal age to learn Spanish online or in-person is any age. […]
The Terrific Trio
Three concepts for happy living – and better language learning In my previous article “The Rejection of Perfection” I wrote […]
Financial assistance available to businesses and individuals for language training
State financial support for language training in the workplace… ILI is an approved provider for the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund. This means […]
How much time does it take to learn a new language?
Quick question. Does it take three months or two years to learn a foreign language? The answer is yes. In […]
Top methods to learn Spanish online and trends in 2022
Last year we talked about why learning Spanish matters. In 2022 the same trends have accelerated, with millions of English […]
The Rejection of Perfection in Learning a Language
If this were a perfect world, I’d be dead! Whoa! It’s not that I think it would be perfect if […]
Read and discuss García Márquez’s Cien años de soledad with Virginia Invernizzi!
This January, Virginia Invernizzi (Ph.D. in Latin American literature) will lead discussions about Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez’s Cien años de soledad (One […]
Darlene Tells Her Story: An Interview with Darlene, a Spanish language student living in the USA
An interview with an ILI student learning Spanish is the USA or how the love of tango led to the study of Spanish.
Northampton’s International Language Institute earns highest ranking from national accreditation authority
The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET) has certified the International Language Institute (ILI) of Massachusetts through August 30, 2026. This five-year accreditation is the highest level bestowed by ACCET, which since 1978 has been officially recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a reliable authority regarding the quality of education and training provided by the institutions ACCET accredits.
Kathy Learning Spanish (again): Interview with a Spanish language student living in the USA
An ILI Spanish student talks about her language learning journey and how influential her teachers and her travel experiences shaped her interest in learning Spanish.