Fall in New England is the very reason many people end up settling down in beautiful Massachusetts.
Whether you are here temporarily to study or visit, or you are planning on setting down roots; experiencing the kaleidoscope of hues and colors that autumn brings is a sight to behold. Fall is another chapter in a year of extraordinarily unprecedented experiences, so we’re sharing some of our favorite activities that can be enjoyed- even in our current climate.

CARVE PUMPKINS & PICK APPLES – Support local farms
So many seasonal traditions are able to happen in our own backyards- especially in beautiful New England! Massachusetts boasts a vast array of quality farms that offer pumpkins for carving and apples for picking! Grab a bag full of their fresh offerings and head home to work on your creations and brew your cider!Some of our favorite local farms are: Atkins Farms, Outlook Farm, Quonquont Farm, and McCray’s Farm. Check out this great apple crisp recipe by New England Apples.

After a year of experiences that haven’t always been beautiful, you owe it to yourself to have a day filled with beauty. Not only is The Clark, located in Williamstown, home to a large collection of incredible art and history, but it is also devoted to education. The
Clark’s mission statement reads, “The Clark is one of only a handful of institutions globally with a dual mission as an art museum and a distinguished center for research and higher education, dedicated to advancing and extending the public understanding of art. The Clark’s mission and geographical location define three essential aspects of its character and identity: the quality of its art, the beauty of its pastoral setting, and the depth of its commitment to the generation of ideas.”
Regardless of your chosen form of transportation, lush gradients of oranges, yellows, reds, and greens greet you at every turn when traveling through New England during this time of the year. One of the most magical parts about living in Massachusetts is discovered in the outdoor scenery that comes along with Autumn. Immerse yourself in the countless state parks, bike paths, and mountain hikes and rediscover your connection to nature. Whether you are using your whole day to explore or just taking a quick study break drive, your senses will awaken from the environmental beauty of our state. If you find yourself on the bike path, you’ll be led deep into Massachusetts woods, through farmlands, and to the top of gorgeous hills. One of our favorite rides in the fall is Route 47 from Hadley to Sunderland. You’ll see beautiful views, tobacco barns and the Smiarowski Farmstand and Creamy, and end up at Mount Sugarloaf. You can walk up to the top or drive…and look down on Mike’s Maze.
Whether you want to walk around the streets and cemeteries of Salem or listen to scary true stories about Lizzie Borden or Local State Hospitals; Massachusetts is full of rich history- some that might make you sleep with a night light! While many haunted houses and historical tours aren’t available this year, you can still visit local landmarks that have been here for hundreds of years and carry deep roots and in some instances folklore. If you’re staying home but looking for a locally inspired spook, we recommend reading Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible”, listening to Morbid Podcast’s episode on The Bridgewater Triangle, or watch Lifetime’s “Lizzie Borden Took An Axe” starring Christina Ricci. Thrillist wrote up an article on MA haunted hotspots.
The trend of great breweries and wineries is not unique to Western Massachusetts, but we like to believe we truly have some of the best. Take in New England flavors as you sip on their delicious flavors. A lot of the local breweries were able to transition to serving during the pandemic due to their gorgeous outdoor seating settings that allow safe distancing and glorious New England views. Two (of many) that we recommend checking out are Black Birch Vineyard and Muse Cider Bar at Valley View Farm.

“Best Corn Maze in the US” – Yahoo News
“Most Elaborate Corn Maze in America” – Wired
“#1 Fall Western Mass Bucket List” –MassLivecately
Mike’s Maze is a glorious corn maze located at the foot of Mount Sugarloaf on Warner Farm in Sunderland, Massachusetts. Each year the maze is themed and intricreated into something that becomes a work of art when viewed from the sky above. Though some of Mike’s Maze’s seasonal events, such as Chilifest, have been cancelled- the Maze will be up and running safely and consciously. This year Mike’s Maze theme is VOTE, the design comes from the Suffrage movement! Mike’s Maze invites you to “Hit the campaign trails at Mike’s Maze this fall… it’s your corn-stitutional right.”
https://ili.edu/language-courses/world-language-classes/LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE SKILL WITH ILI
Last, but certainly not least, consider learning a new language skill with ILI all from the comfort of your own home! Whether you are working on creating a more inclusive work environment, expanding your horizons for when you are able to travel again, or want to grow your teaching repertoire; ILI has GREAT online language programs coming up this fall. You can learn to teach online with our TESOL program, now also offered as a part-time course. We also have our Intensive English Program, World Language Programs, Private and Semi-Private Tutorials, Academic and Business English programs, and MORE all available online! Learn more and sign up today at ili.edu.