“As an English learner, an immigrant myself, and a former ILI student, I understand how challenging it was to move to a new place, learn a new language, and start from scratch. Not only that, but navigating the American system. It’s really challenging with language barriers! ILI is helping the student to overcome those barriers by teaching them English. That helps them get a job, become a U.S. citizen, get drivers’ licenses, and do different tasks that we usually take for granted, like talking to your doctor without the need of a translator. Supporting ILI gives me a sense of purpose, and I invite you all today to support this incredible organization.”

Aimee Salmon is a member of the ILI Board of Directors and former ILI student. She moved to Northampton, MA in 2014 as an immigrant from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who gained her U.S. citizenship in 2017. Aimee is determined to share her passion and enthusiasm by empowering women in western Massachusetts to love themselves through dance and fitness.

Thank you Aimee! You are such an important link in the ILI team! If you would like to join Aimee and so many other ILI supporters, click here to learn more.