Whether you’re looking to improve your grammar, expand your vocabulary, or enjoy lively conversations, we have the perfect solution for you. Join our community and let’s take your French skills to the next level!

Advanced French: Definition

If you’re an advanced French speaker, it means you’re highly proficient in the language. You have a deep grasp of grammar, an extensive vocabulary, and can fluently express yourself in both writing and speaking in French.

You might have taken advanced courses or received formal education in the language, enabling you to comprehend and employ intricate language patterns. You’re also capable of participating in sophisticated conversations and engaging in discussions on a variety of subjects.

Check out our French levels, and see what level you really are.

What is there to learn in an Advanced French Class?

As an advanced French speaker, there’s always more to discover, and you’re likely the first to acknowledge that the learning journey is an ongoing adventure.

You may aspire to enhance your fluency and confidence when conversing in French across various social settings. Alternatively, you might be eager to incorporate advanced and specialized French for specific work situations. No matter your goal, we believe we can help you here at ILI Northampton, in the heart of Massachusetts, USA.

Who will be in an Advanced French Class with me?

In an advanced group, there’s likely to be a wider range of French proficiency levels. This is because, as an advanced French speaker, your language skills have been cultivated through various sources, resulting in a unique learning journey distinct from other students.

However, this diversity is an asset at this level. Alongside the precise guidance of your French instructor, you’ll also learn expressions and strategies from your classmates.

At an advanced level, structured learning takes a back seat, making room for advanced vocabulary, idiomatic phrases, gentle reminders, and corrections, all while emphasizing fluency.

While your teacher will still have a lesson plan, Advanced French often delves into the language through the lens of film, art, or literature. This approach fosters natural conversations that flow organically, mirroring real-life interactions outside the classroom.

I used to speak French fluently, but I’ve lost that now. Am I still advanced?

Let’s put it to the test. If you’re about to register for a class but uncertain about your French proficiency level, please reach out to us. We’ll arrange a speaking assessment for you over the phone. During this assessment, you’ll have a short conversation with one of our French teachers, and they will provide guidance on the most suitable starting point for your French lessons. Don’t hesitate to get in touch; we’re here to assist you!

Can I take any format of French course at ILI Northampton at advanced level?

Yes we can generally accommodate advanced French speakers in most of our formats, but if a specific format you are looking for is unavailable at your level (e.g. the group is full already), we can always offer you one-on-one lessons to get you back learning as soon as possible. One option to consider as an advanced French speaker is to study French abroad. At your level of French you will be able to make the most of your high level of language skill, to absorb language inside and outside the classroom, and converse in a wide range of situations.

Here are our Advanced French course options for you to consider. If you need help choosing, let us know!

French Course Options

Private French Lessons

Josh Owesly, ILI French teacher, helping a student.

Our Private French lessons online or in-person allow you to shape your learning around your busy life. You choose the times, days and topics, we’ll do the rest!

Study French Abroad

A field of lavender in front of the Senanque Abbey in Provence, France.

For the ultimate French language learning experience, head to a French-speaking country! We can assist in finding a program and location to fit your needs.

Our French Teachers

Sabine teaching French to her level 8 students.
Sabine teaching French to her level 8, upper intermediate students.

Our French teachers are professionals and have a plenty of experience teaching a diverse range of students from college age to older adults. Their extensive linguistic expertise help create a rich learning environment as they get students to start speaking French right away.

ILI has been teaching languages and training teachers since 1984, bringing students the best learning experiences.

“My instructor was simply sensational. She teaches in a way that makes you want to do your best rather than feeling obligated to.”

Woman with glasses.
Jessica Jones studied French at ILI

Check Your French Level

Unsure of the level you are at in the language you want to learn? Don’t worry, we are here to help.

Ask Samira for an assessment in the language you are interested in. She will arrange an appropriate instructor to assess you in a 5-minute conversation, and then when you register for a course, we can place you in the class that will be best for you.

If you are a zero-level beginner, you’ll start in our Level 1 class, so need for an assessment.

Or if you are unsure about anything…

Got a Question?

See if our frequently asked questions answer what’s on your mind…

Selected FAQs

We assign optional homework as many of our students are working adults with very busy schedules. However, we encourage our students to practice outside of class as much as possible.

Some of our teachers are native speakers and others have native and near native fluency.

We do not allow this as we have found that it is disruptive to the class as they build a trusting community that enables students to take risks in learning. It’s also difficult for teachers to have students come and go.

There is no simple answer to this question. There are many factors that can both help and hinder a student’s learning. However, students will be able to start speaking immediately in the target language with appropriate grammar and vocabulary to match the level of class they are in. Read more

Yes! ILI is an approved provider of Professional Development Points for Massachusetts.

You will meet people from around the world with a variety of backgrounds in your online class. You will practice everything you would in an in-person class: speaking, listening, reading, grammar, pronunciation, and writing. If you are in a group language class, you will have many opportunities to practice speaking with your classmates one-on-one and in small groups.

Heather Hall smiling

Don’t see the answer you are looking for?
Ask Heather…

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What to do next

  1. Explore our French program options and choose the one that suits you best
  2. Get a language level assessment if you need to
  3. Register for your chosen course!

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The ILI Promise

At ILI, we believe that all our actions should stem from grace and loving kindness.

Portrait of Caroline Gear - Executive Director
  • We operate as an equal opportunity organization.
  • We nurture relationships beyond the classroom.
  • We are committed to providing the highest quality language instruction and teacher training.
  • We promote intercultural understanding and celebrate the diversity in our local communities.
  • We work collaboratively to build and sustain the communities we serve.
  • We believe in life-changing teaching and learning.