ILI is located in Northampton, MA which is about 1.5 hours west of Boston and 3 hours north of New York City. We are conveniently located 30 minutes north of Bradley International Airport in Hartford, Connecticut.
Our school address is 25 New South Street, Northampton, MA 01060.

How do I get there?
From the South
- Start on I-91 North to exit 18 (first Northampton exit).
- At the end of the exit ramp, there is a traffic light. Take a left at the light onto Route 5.
- Stay on that road for 1.5 miles.
- At the first light, take a left onto Main Street (Route 9 West).
- Get in the left lane as you follow Main Street to the next light. You will see the Academy of Music on your left.
- Turn left onto South Street (Route 10).
- Our building is the large, yellow-brick building on the corner of Main Street and South Street. The building is divided into #17 and #25. Enter the building through the courtyard. Our entrance is on the left by our sign (see picture below). Our school is located on the ground floor, Suite 101.
- Parking is on the street or in one of the municipal lots (see map below).
- Parking Map
From the North
- Take Route I-91 South to exit 20.
- The exit ramp will put you on King Street (Route 5).
- Follow through approximately 6 traffic lights until you get to the center of town. You will pass the Hotel Northampton on your right (a large, red-brick building) just before you get to the light at Main Street.
- At that light, turn right onto Main Street (Route 9 West).
- Get in the left lane as you follow Main Street to the next light. You will see the Academy of Music on your left.
- Turn left onto South Street (Route 10).
- Our building is the large, yellow-brick building on the corner of Main Street and South Street. The building is divided into #17 and #25. Enter the building through the courtyard. Our entrance is on the left by our sign. Our school is located on the ground floor, Suite 101.
- Parking is on the street or in one of the municipal lots (see map below).
- Parking Map