Are you looking to be qualified to teach ESOL anywhere in the world? Whether you are new to teaching English, or an experienced teacher looking to expand your abilities, participating in a TESOL certificate training course awards you practical and experiential skills. The TESOL certificate has proven to lead to lucrative and fruitful opportunities for you as a teacher, as well as more impactful and motivating experiences for future students. Plus, not only will you learn how to prepare excellent lesson plans, reflect on your lesson, and strategize to improve on your next lesson, you will learn how to deliver effective classes online. And did you know that you begin teaching non-native English students the first week of the program?

The TESOL Certificate course is a 180-hour English teacher training program in which you will experiment with and reflect on key teaching frameworks, core TESOL concepts, and multiple language acquisition tools. The International Language Institute of Massachusetts is an exceptional choice when choosing where to take this course and is committed to student-centered instruction and intercultural understanding. ILI TESOL certificate trainer, Brian Long, states “What’s really exciting about ILI is you get the opportunity to actually observe teachers putting what you’re learning into practice in different situations in different classes.”

What to expect from a TESOL program

(The following portion of this article was originally written as part of ILI’s news item titled: “Is TESOL worth it?: The extraordinary value of effective teacher training” Read it here.)

If you are a prospective or novice teacher, the course helps you enter the classroom with confidence, connect with students, and make an impact, even if you have never taught before.

If you are an experienced educator, you will explore a wide range of teaching and classroom management techniques to take your teaching to the next level.

As a participant in our TESOL teacher training, you put on many hats, which is key to becoming an effectiveA laptop computer with a pad of paper and pens next to it. educator.

First, when wearing your teacher’s hat you’re analyzing the TESOL teaching techniques and how they play out among different learners during an ESOL lesson.

Then when wearing your learner’s hat you experience the TESOL techniques from the point of view of the learners, each of whom brings different personal experiences and cultural expectations.

You don the other hats when observing your fellow participants, and when you are likewise observed by them.

First, you’ll examine the theory, and then you’ll put it into practice in your one-hour practice classes. You will have at least 6 opportunities to teach and be observed by your trainer and peer students. You’ll teach students whose first language is not English and see how you’re teaching helps non-native English speakers get to the next step as they improve their English. You’ll also see other teachers implementing the same practices for their own learners. All the while, you’ll reflect on your experiences while processing feedback from peers.

Juggling these multiple hats–the teacher, the learner, the teacher as learner, and learner as teacher–adds up to a powerful experience. You gain a 360-degree view of a student-centered academic environment.

Even though the TESOL course is designed for participants with no teaching experience, seasoned ESOL classroom veterans experience profound changes with the training. The learner-centered approach is new for many folks, whether they’ve taught for decades or they’ve never taught at all.

Through a process of reflection, you will critique your teaching, deepen your practice and principles, and implement positive changes in a supportive environment.

ILI’s trainers are certified by SIT (School for International Training), world leader in the TESOL field. Our trainers have worked together for many years and bring a wealth of practical teaching and cross-cultural experience to the TESOL course.

Obtaining a TESOL Certificate

The online TESOL Certificate course qualifies you to teach ESOL/EFL/ESL at home or abroad. This means you have the skills and qualifications to teach in a school or organization that offers ESOL instruction, whether you work here in your hometown, or across the world in a country you’ve always wanted to experience.

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