We are excited to announce that Professionals in International Education (PIE) choseThe logo for The PIEoneer Awards that celebrate innovation and achievement across the entire global education industry. ILI as one of seven language centers from around the world as finalists for the PIEoneer “Language Educator of the Year” award.
“This is such good news!” exclaimed ILI executive director Caroline Gear. “We are the only language school in the U.S. to make the finals for this prestigious international award. And it’s all due to the excellent work and commitment of ILI students, teachers, and staff and to the extraordinary community support that sustains us.”

In addition to ILI, the list of finalists includes: Apollo Education & Training Organisation (Vietnam); EC Language Centres (Malta); English Unlimited (Australia); French in Normandy (France); GlobalExam (France); and ILSC Education Group (Canada & Australia). The organization that takes home the award will be announced during a hybrid in-person/online ceremony originating in London, UK, on September 9.

In it’s message informing ILI of the selection, PIE noted, “This year has been highly competitive, with exceptional
nominations received across all categories, showcasing the excellent work that is being carried out across the  global education sector. Well done!”

PIE, based in London, UK, delivers events, media, and career services—connecting global international educators through valuable news and insight, innovative events, and exceptional recruitment expertise for international education providers. The organization’s awards celebrate innovation and achievement in global education.